We are here for you
We are here for you
GeconaTEC is analyzing quarterly the Russian, Chinese and CIS confectionary market, based on informations of AC Nielsen and Euromonitor.
GeconaTEC is watching the main European-, the US- and UK confectionary market to identify new trends and to give to its costumers full informations about new product launches, tendencies and future prospects
Based on the market informations, GeconaTEC is developing with associated technologists costumized products and recipes.
GeconaTEC is proofing all recipes in laboratories of partners for their industrial use with high capacities on a defined costlevel.
GeconaTEC is specifying with the marketing department of the costumers the appearance and the materials for the first and final packaging.
GeconaTEC is preparing and checking with the costumers the preliminary layout of the lines and the preliminary costs for the calculation for the production.
GeconaTEC is designing and constructing the final version of the line and is defining the final specification and the costs according the demands of the costumer.
GeconaTEC is preparing the contract in cooperation with the costumer according to the russian or ukrainian law and tax requirements.
GeconaTEC is carrying about the financing and crediting of the project with first-class-european banks and investment insurance companies as Coface or Hermes.
All machines and equipment are produced by established and proofed partners under permanent control of the GeconaTEC project engineers.
The equipment is checked by the costumer (FAT) and special control organizations as „SGS“.
GeconaTEC is carrying about the certification of all equipment together with the partner „Rosstandart“
All machines and equipment are delivered in accordance with the russian costums and tax regulations via european transport companies
GeconaTEC is forfilling all functions and jobs during the assembly and production start with their own employees via its russian daughter-company GeconaPACK and is supervising the specialist of the suppliers
GeconaTEC is fullfilling the assistance during the first weeks of operation of the line with own operators and the longtermed maintenance and spare-part-supply.